Thursday 12 March 2015

Tomorrow, tomorrow! I love ya, tomorrow...

Well potentially!

Tomorrow I am booked in for my ultrasound at the hospital. I'm hoping the radiographer is able to tell me there and then what he or she can see in and around my hip. My follow-up appointment with the orthopaedic clinician is a few days afterwards where he will look at the results and suggest treatment or advise further investigation.

I have read so much online about scar tissue in cartilage and permanent damage, I'm so worried that I've damaged it past the point of return. Stupid internet.

I stopped having chiropractic a couple of weeks ago and have seen a significant drop in the pain and twinges in my lower back. Sometimes it aches but it feels a little stronger. My psoas aches and is difficult to stretch out. Right inside my groin, through the hip, down the thigh - front and side.

I'm getting all wobbly too. Which, in itself, is incredibly depressing. I do what I can (ie sod all) with the restrictions I have. I walk when I can, and try to fit something in before work. If I feel strong and stable enough I will hold a plank or two for 30 seconds each time. That's about as intense as it gets.

I walk up a little hill and I get out of puff. It's awful.

Roll on tomorrow. I can't wait.

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